Dating Profiles for Classic Toys

Project description

Client was looking for a creative way to showcase their collection of classic toys.

Truth be told, Amazon offers most of these toys with next day delivery -- and this company did not. Simply presenting the items wasn't going to be enough to raise intrest, so the goal became to present this inventory in a comedic, memorable way that evokes emotion perspective consumer (Gen X and Millennial parents, in this case).

This concept came out of a particularly productive team brainstorm session, and I ran with it, working closely with the graphic designer (Heeral Chibber), and the company's Social Team to nail down the look for Instagram.

The long form piece was published on the site, and drove traffic that help sell the inventory highlighted in the piece; the Instagram piece resulted in link clicks back to the website, and bumped up engagement through saves and shares.

Dating Profiles for Classic Toys.docx