
Upcoming events

Stay tuned for our Spring 2022 Events!

Past events

Guest Speaker: Saadman Islam

Friday November 9th, 4-5 PM

We had the privilege of hosting Saadman Islam. He is a researcher at Ring therapeutics, a gene therapy company that is building a revolutionary method of addressing issues via engineering of the commensal virome.

Guest Speaker: Daniel Dowling

Friday November 5th, 4-5PM

We had the privilege of hosting Daniel Dowling, an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at University of Massachusetts Boston. The Dowling Group uses structural, biophysical, and biochemical methods to understand the mechanisms of enzymes. If you would like to learn more about his work, here is his lab website.

Journal Club - Enzymes and Explosions!

Friday October 29th, 4-5 PM

We discussed some of the fundamental concepts illustrated by acetoacetate decarboxylase and the enzyme's unique history! Our discussion also covered some of the chemistry and physics of explosions! You can access the paper here.

Meet the Majors

Friday October 22nd, 4-5PM

This event was co-hosted with Biochemistry UDRs to promote the Biochemistry major and to meet prospective majors.

Game Night

Wednesday September 22nd, 7-8:30PM

Join us in the Usdan Game Room for a game night with the BCHM Club! Come play table tennis, pool, board games, and foosball with your friends from the club!

Succulents and Plant Biochemistry

Friday April 30th, 2-3:15PM and 4-4:45PM EST

Join us from 2-3:15PM EST at the Booths in Fellows Garden* for a FREE SUCCULENT! Then come learn about some plant biochemistry with Professor Dan Oprian at virtual research talk from 4-4:45PM.

To reserve a succulent, please fill out this google form:

Zoom link for Research Talk:

*Please note that the appropriate COVID-19 protocols will be strictly maintained at our in-person event.

Journal Club - Enzymes in Action: Metal Ion Catalysis

Tuesday March 23, 3-4PM EST

Come join us for our second journal club of the semester where we will discuss a paper on the function of cations in enzymatic catalysis

Zoom Link:

Game Night

Thursday Feb 18, 9 - 10PM EST

Come join us for a night of fun and games! We will play a virtual game of Codenames and Pictionary.

Zoom Link:

Journal Club - Cytochrome P450

Tuesday February 23, 3 - 4PM EST

Come chat about an exciting paper in the field of biocatalysis! One of the authors, Frances Arnold, is President Biden's current science advisor and a Nobel Laureate.

Zoom link:

How to Get Involved in Research

Friday November 6, 3:30-4:30 PM EST

We will discuss how to begin talking with professors about their research and the steps for joining a lab on campus. Feel free to come with questions!

Zoom Link:

Journal Club - Biochemistry Behind SARS-CoV-2

Thursday October 22, 10-11 PM EST

Join us for a fun discussion about the biochemistry behind SARS-COV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. We will also start to talk about scientific papers and various methods in biochemical research! Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Zoom link:

Link to Life Science Research

Friday September 25, 2-3 PM EST

A zoom event to talk with members of the Brandeis faculty about research in general and specifics of their own research. We have three panelists across multiple departments - Dan Oprian, Guillermina Ramirez-San Juan, and Avital Rodal. Please sign into the event using your Brandeis login.

Zoom link:

First Journal Club

Thursday September 17, 10-11 PM EST

We will begin by introducing the purpose of our journal club. Then we will dive into general topics that are helpful for understanding biochemical papers while providing examples from specific figures.

The journal club will provide an opportunity for students to engage in a scientific research paper related to biochemistry. Together we will discuss and analyze the paper. We hope to host a journal club that meets regularly.

Zoom link:

Welcome Back Meeting

Sunday August 16, 2-3PM EST

A zoom event to talk about the goals for the club and discover what aspects of biochemistry our members find most engaging. Everyone within the Brandeis community is welcome, please sign into the zoom session using your Brandeis login

Zoom link:

Welcome Incoming First Years

Sunday July 26, 2-3PM EST

An event held on zoom to welcome incoming first years interested in science at Brandeis. This event will give attendees the opportunity to meet other incoming first years, talk with upperclassmen, ask questions, and express their specific interests related to biochemistry. Although this event is designed towards first years, all members of the Brandeis community are welcome. Please sign into the zoom session with your Brandeis login.

Zoom Link:

Feedback and Suggestions

We welcome ideas for events that the Biochemistry Club can promote in the future. Fill out the google form below if you have any ideas for future events or comments about previous events.