
Anyone in the Brandeis Community Can Join

Brandeis Biochemistry Club welcomes all members of the Brandeis community. Any student that supports the club by actively attending events and meetings will be considered a member. Membership is open to all, and especially encouraged to students outside of the biochemistry major. We hope to promote interest in Biochemistry within the entire Brandeis community. If you would like to get email updates from our club, click the button at the bottom of this page and subscribe to our mailing list.

Plans for the future

Brandeis Biochemistry Club will host a variety of events each semester such as lectures and seminars from both Brandeis and outside faculty, workshops and information sessions for career development and research opportunities, and more. The club will also host more informal meetings where members will convene to discuss a given biochemical subject.

Goals for the Club

  • Our founding goal is to promote the biochemical sciences at Brandeis University. This extends to welcoming all members of the Brandeis community because of biochemistry's vast implications and relevance.

  • Our second goal is to promote equity and accessibility in academia and the sciences. We recognize that the academic research world is not free of discrimination, biases, and systemic racism, and we hope to work towards a brighter future for all.

Welcome Back Event Slides
  • Here is a presentation from our Welcome Back Event on August 16th, 2020. These slides contain relevant information about the club and our goals.

  • Check them out to learn more about us!