Help Center

This is for the public, my friends, as well as any Jehovah's Witness who may be curious about how a JW can have a website and still be a JW in good standing in the congregation, not an apostate or disfellowshipped.  Some JWs feel that having a website is wrong or that if one does have a website that the owners of the website should remain anonymous. [1]  However, explains clearly who owns the website.  Therefore, this website is transparent and explains who owns the website and the purpose.  I am a publisher. 

This is one of those Ra moments, or what I refer to as binary thinking which turns out that is how some people think which includes everyone. We all have binary thinking moments because it feels safer than the uncomfortable directional thinking that is sometimes avoided due to emotional factors, i.e., haughtiness, fear, etc., and this help center is probably for you especially if you are a binary thinker rather than a directional thinker.  The Help Center is still under construction which more bells and whistles will be added when I have time to implement and integrate them, but you can check it out if you are curious or come back later when the under construction sign is removed.  In the meantime, if you have a question fill out this form.

End Notes

[1] Dismythed