Leading vs Viewpoint Questions
What is the difference between a leading verses a viewpoint question?
“The law is a profession of words.”
David Mellinkoff, Professor of Law, UCLA
Leading Questions
“A leading question contains an opinion or viewpoint that pushes the interviewee to respond in a particular way.
How you frame your interview and survey questions can change the answers you get.
And, ultimately, make the research reliable – or unreliable.”
According to Merriam-Webster, bias occurs when one outcome is favored over another and is encouraged in the testing process.
“When you try to sway your respondents one way, they’re left feeling unheard because they couldn’t answer honestly.
This leaves you with unreliable data because the answers were what you wanted to hear.
Not what your respondents wanted to tell you.?”
Leading questions encourage the listener to provide a specific response. Often, speakers phrase these questions to encourage the listener to agree with them. It’s a good idea to use these questions sparsely, as others may view them as manipulative if you use them frequently or in the wrong context.
Some examples of leading questions are:
Don’t you think that sales call went well?
Wouldn’t you like it if you could guarantee automation for that process?
Leading question is a type of question that pushes respondents to answer in a specific manner, based on the way they are framed. More than often, these questions already contain information that survey creator wants to confirm rather than try to get a true and an unbiased answer to that question.
Viewpoint Questions
“A viewpoint question is one with which we ask a student for his opinion or thoughts on a subject. Use such a question to determine what your student understands and believes.”
w21 June pp. 2-7 Help Your Bible Students to Become Baptized Disciples
“Perspective /Viewpoint Questions.? These questions clarify / determine the various perspectives and viewpoints about a topic and why these positions have been taken.”
“Viewpoint questions are used to test your ability to recognized the writer’s opinion on a topic on a passage. This is a test of your ability to distinguish facts from opinions.”