
Big Picture Thoughts

  • Should educators grade students working on self-directed learning projects?

  • Should students decide what they will be evaluated on and what constitutes success for individual projects as well as overall across a marking period or school year?

  • Regardless, students need goals/challenges and feedback. Below are a range of criteria educators or students can use to evaluate their process and product. In general, the middle column is meant as a realistic goal for most students and the column to the right is meant to stretch their thinking about what might be possible.


  • Do you feel you have been growing in your abilities and understanding of how you learn in some other way? Let your teacher know and you can discuss individualizing this rubric for yourself. What else could be considered?

  • Did you notice that there are not specific grades assigned to each level? Why not?

Effort and Achievement Rubric
Thinkering and Engage Explore rubric