Coding Projects


Since coding is the basis for MANY projects as well as design ideas that will help you throughout this class. You willl get some exposure to thinking about how from baking cookies to driving a car to kicking a soccer ball involves some sort of code thinking.

If you have prior coding experience, GREAT- if you don't, GREAT! This gives us plenty of room to expand our knowledge and make some cool stuff while we do it!

  1. make your own scratch ac count. Write down your login somewhere.

  2. Try one of the sample projects that walks you through on scratch

  3. Make a codecademy account

Python code gym

New coding town collaborative coding assignment

Coding world link

If you are choosing scratch

with your partner, Complete these challenges:

  1. Animate a meme (or your name) using the animate your name tutorial.

  2. Make a racing game. The sprites do not have to be cars. There needs to be a finish line element. Here's the stuff to help you

  • 2.Make a pong game. You can add scores, lives, multiple bouncing objects. the do not need to be a ball and paddle.

  • 3.Make a game or something using video sensing.

If you choose Codecademy:

  • Use your google to login/make an account

  • Try the basics of coding course (Take some screen clippings of your work, it looks cool!)

If you choose Hour of code:

  • Join my section with a login that you create. It should be something listed like computer game design

    • This is the section link to join join the section here

    • Work your way through the unit and print your certificate at the end. take a screen clipping of some code you've written.

If you choose Minecraft code:

  1. complete the first Artificial intelligence (AI) for solving forest fires mission here. Downloa`d the world open MC and it should import. screen cap your certificate for your project page.

  2. Download the easy code mission world here NOTEBOOK and follow through it there should be pieces of the code.. Also download the world to work in here

  3. OR download the challenge mode here.

  4. when in the game, press C and open the code connection work your way through selected tutorials. You can use the camera feature to take pictures as you go and they appear in a portfolio.

  5. Remember this is a coding ASSIGNMENT. You won't have approval for other minecraft projects if you spend time goofing around.

  • Here are some quick videos for giving you a tour

If you like Retro Gaming Try MakeCode:

Check out the link here and you can work through either the game tutorials or the CS course 1 and I think you can embed your games actually in your project pages.

Makey Makey game controller

If you've made a game in scratch, or minecraft or make code you can now make a controller out of about anything.

makey resources

Teacher resources how Makey Makey works

Makey Makey workshop

Bonkers music examples

Makey Makey tutorial

Coding Unit objectives

  • Describe what coding is.

  • Apply the following programming concepts as block code and/or JavaScript in Microsoft MakeCode to build a city in Minecraft:

    • Event handlers

    • Coordinates, absolute world positions, and relative player positions

    • Loops

  • Create multiple lines of code with an intended outcome.

  • Merge multiple types of coding features to create one outcome and complete large, varied tasks.

  • Understand how code can be used to create large-scale actions that would manually take longer.

  • Merge mathematics with code to create calculated in-game actions.

  • Recognize more than one way to achieve the same result through code.

  • Focus on the design aspect and merging this with code for a unique outcome, showing that code is commanded by design first.

  • Use code to design a moving system with animation to a practical, subject-based topic.