consuption to production

Consumption to Creation/Production

Untitled spreadsheet

1 - Roaming in the known for pleasure

2 - Reading for information, reading and taking notes, reading and asking questions of the text/author

3 - Playing in the known for pleasure

4 - Playing an instrument, playing as in experimenting - "Play is not just about having fun, but taking risks, experimenting, testing the boundaries. We think the most creative work happens when people play and test the boundaries." Mitch Resnick

5 - Following a "recipe" someone else has made to create a project

6 - Making a "recipe" project for others to complete (a la Instructables)


What falls in the Sharing to Teaching Continuum? Which would be considered closer to sharing and which closer to teaching?

  • Posting process and product videos to YouTube

  • Blogging or podcasting about your process and product

  • Designing and publishing an Instructables

  • Planning, recording and editing a screencast tutorial

How does this fit with Seymour Papert’s vision was that children should be programming the computer rather than being programmed by it?