Educators will increasingly infuse a data-driven, multi-faceted approach with a global perspective in the classroom. Educators will continue to focus on knowing the learner, and will consider, “How does each child learn?” A comprehensive professional development program will be provided to meet the needs of staff to ensure everyone’s success.


1. Use multiple data sources to guide instruction.

2. Provide professional development for staff to stay abreast of best practices in technology, instruction, and resources.

3. Explore and implement worldwide best practices related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

4. Foster exploration and collaboration of teaching strategies, developing collegiality both in and out of the district.

5. Provide the resources to support a comprehensive professional development program based on needs assessments.


Continue to offer and explore ways to expand professional development programs for PK-12 teachers that emphasize best practices and foster collaboration within and outside of the district. 

Objective Addressed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Staff: Superintendent, Building Administration, Curriculum & Instruction Team, Wellness Team, Instructional and Support Staff

Resources: Time, Committees and Coordinators, Finances to Support Training & Implementation of Strategies & Programs, Department and Grade Level Teacher Teams, Teachers College, Conquer Math, Other Available Professional Development Resources in the Region


2022-2023: Using district data, conduct a needs assessment to determine opportunities for professional growth. Include new opportunities in the 23-24 budget.  Continue to provide opportunities for interdistrict collaboration and explore intradistrict opportunities for collaboration.

MAY '23 UPDATE - In looking at our district needs assessment, we have planned for professional growth in the areas of Sheltered Instruction and AVID Professional Growth.  We are analyzing changes to AP Courses to assess the best programs to focus professional learning on this summer as well as in future years.

2023-2027: Continue to gather student achievement data to identify areas where professional development has been impactful, areas where new approaches may be pursued, and strategies for prioritizing professional development time and funding.
MAY '23 UPDATE - Students are just completing Spring testing, both internal and external, which will provide baseline data.

2023-2027: Continue to expand collaboration time and increase the number of collaborative partnerships by 10% per year, aggregate across the district.
MAY '23 UPDATE - We are currently exploring additional partnerships as detailed in other areas of the Strategic Plan.  In curriculum and instruction, we are expanding our Early Childhood Partnership with CCM, partnering with TCNJ for training on Tomorrow's Teachers, and continue the SEE curriculum with Emory University.  

Indicators of Success:
Needs Assessment Completed
Professional Development Agendas
Professional Development Attendance Documentation

Explore best practices related to meeting the needs of all learners, including training on best practices in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Objective Addressed: 3, 4

Staff: Superintendent, Building Administration, Curriculum & Instruction Team, Program Coordinators, Staff

Resources: Time, Committees and Coordinators, Finances to Support Training & Implementation, Available Research on Best Practices, Organizations Offering Guidance and Resources on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Schools


2023-2027: Increase score in the AVID CCI related to College and Career Readiness by +1 per year in all grades.

2023-2027: Continue to provide professional development to staff on the topic of DEI, including differentiation strategies and culturally responsive teaching and learning.

2022-2024: Provide professional development on the sheltered instruction approach to supporting English Language Learners and initiate incorporation of this programming and instructional approach.  

MAY '23 UPDATE - Instruction began this year on Sheltered Instruction at School Street and we look to continue expanding professional learning in this area over the next two years.  We are maintaining a partnership with "Up the Bar."

2023-2025: Participate in assessment of sheltered instruction impacts and consider information learned and data gathered to inform decision making for continuation and potential expansion of the program.  

MAY '23 UPDATE - Assessment of School Street School training in the Sheltered Instruction Model occurred.  The Sheltered Instruction Model will be implemented in the coming year at SSS with training to be initiated at John Hill School during 2023-2024.

2023-2027: Monitor effectiveness of DEI practices through data collection and dialogue.  Incorporate information gathered into decision making processes and programming design to ensure continuous advancement of DEI efforts and impacts.

MAY '23 UPDATE - Professional development has been offered through Learning for Justice in conjunction with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Rutgers University.  Data on the professional development and implementation will be ongoing.

Indicators of Success:
Evidence of AVID Implementation
Evidence of Professional Learning Opportunities
Evidence of Application of Best Practices for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion via Program Design, Lesson Plans, and Classroom Observation

Explore best practices related to technology integration within the classroom.

Objective Addressed: 2, 3

Staff: Superintendent, District Technology Coordinator, Building Administration, Curriculum & Instruction Team, Academic Program Coordinators, Instructional and Support Staff

Resources: Time, Committees and Coordinators, Finances, Instructional Technology (Chromebooks, Aquosboards, Online Programs, STEM Resources, etc.)

Gather input from key stakeholders regarding experiences related to technology integration.
MAY '23 UPDATE - A staff, student, and family needs assessment is being prepared and will be administered throughout the district in June 2023.  

Provide training for all staff on the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) Model for Classroom Technology Integration.
MAY '23 UPDATE - Training is planned for staff during professional development in the 23-24 school year.

Provide support for staff to increase by +1 on the SAMR model in any one of the four domains per year.

Indicators of Success:
Evidence of Stakeholder Input
Evidence of PD in Technology Integration
Evidence of Support for Instructional Staff in Providing Technology Integration
Evidence of Increased Incorporation of Instructional Technology in Lessons