Increased communication and collaboration will result in successful outcomes for students, families, and community.


1. Increase communication across the schools, district, and community for the benefit of all.

2. Expand the social media presence within Boonton Public Schools and the community.

3. Improve access to information across all the cultures that are represented in Boonton.

4. Collaborate with community stakeholders to enrich educational experiences.


Expansion of social media promotion of the district while crafting common norms, identifying key stakeholders to serve as coordinators, and maintaining an increasing and impactful social media presence. 

Objective Addressed: 1, 2, 3

Staff: Superintendent, Building Administration, Curriculum & Instruction Team, Program Coordinators

Resources: Time, Social Media Platforms, Committees and Coordinators, Finances to Support Training & Implementation, Community Partnerships



Creation of a new PR position and formalization of PR Coordinator responsibilities

Establishment and maintenance of social media platform accounts

Creation of norms for social media posting and use 

Provide training for key stakeholders on best practices for social media use and community outreach 

MAY '23 UPDATE - PR position was created and social media accounts were created.  Norms and training for key stakeholders started at the Administrative retreat and has continued on an as needed basis throughout the year.


Full implementation of social media with an average of 15% growth in representation of the district per year

MAY '23 UPDATE - Social media growth has been significant and will continue to be a focus of our district's communication efforts.

Indicators of Success
Evidence of Social Media Expansion
Evidence of Community Receipt of District Information

Increase and diversify communication strategies.  This will include an analysis of strengths and areas for improvement in our current communication strategies, examination of additional mediums and modalities to communicate with the public, and an increased number of personnel focused on diverse communication strategies.

Objective Addressed: 1, 3, 4

Staff: Superintendent, Building Administration, Curriculum & Instruction Team, Program Coordinators, Other Designated Staff Members

Resources: Time, Communication Platforms, Committees and Coordinators, Finances  


2022-2023: Complete needs assessment, analyzing the type, frequency, and accessibility of current communication for all stakeholders, including those without students in the district. Form a committee to create a Communication Action Plan.  Make immediate changes where possible.

MAY '23 UPDATE - Changes made to our use of social media and the more streamlined Boonton Bomber Bulletin. 

2023-2024: Finalize action plan and begin implementation.

MAY '23 UPDATE - Action Plan will continue to be implemented and updated in the years to come with updates to the community as well as opportunities for continued collaboration.  

2024-2027: Committee continues to meet to analyze fidelity and efficacy of implementation Communication Action Plan.

Indicators of Success
Evidence of Increased Communication Platform Use
Evidence of Increased Communication Frequency
Evidence of Development of Communication Action Plan and Updating of Plan as Necessary

Collaborate with community stakeholders to increase the educational experience of students.  This will include analysis of strengths and areas for improvement with respect to existing partnerships and examination of additional partnerships that would benefit the educational experiences of students.

Objective Addressed: 4

Staff: Superintendent, Building Administration, Curriculum & Instruction Team, Program Coordinators

Resources: Time, Communication Platforms, Committees and Coordinators, Local Partners


Complete an analysis of our existing collaborative relationships with key stakeholders.  Identify effective community partnerships and collaboratively consider areas of desired growth within the district.
MAY '23 UPDATE - We have completed an analysis of existing collaborative relationships with key stakeholders and are exploring expanding and/or adding community partnerships within the district.

Network and dialogue with key strategic partners in order to determine the feasibility of partnerships to benefit the educational experiences of all students.  Prioritize local collaborations.
MAY '23 UPDATE - In submission of Mental Health Grant Application, we have partnered with New Jersey City University, Montclair State University, and Fairleigh Dickinson University in an effort to increase the ratio of mental health providers to students and to increase diversity of mental health providers in district.

2024-2027: Increase community partnerships, achieving at least 10% growth per year. 

Indicators of Success:
Evidence of Consultation with Educational Partners
Evidence of Increased Educational Partnerships