New Student Enrollment Using a Work Address, 2024-2025 School Year

To be eligible to enroll a student using an employment address, at least one person who holds educational rights for the student must be employed within the physical boundaries of the Bonita Unified School District and work not less than 10 hours weekly at the location within the boundaries of the district. 

Per California Education Code 48204(b)(4), the district may deny enrollment under the Allen Bill if the district determines that the additional cost of educating the student will exceed the amount of additional state aid received as a result of the transfer.

Please follow the steps below to request enrollment in Bonita Unified using the address of your employer for the 2024-2025 school year.

NOTE: The steps below are needed only for the first time a family requests enrollment using an employer's address. If you have a returning student who is already attending under Allen Bill, you will be asked to update employer information as part of the registration process and do not need to complete the steps below. 

Click this link to go to the map to verify that your employment address is within the boundaries of the Bonita Unified School District: BONITA INTERACTIVE BOUNDARY MAP

Once you have verified that the employment address is within our boundaries, please complete the steps below: