Feedback From Students

In this section I have selected a few of my student's evaluations of my Fall 2019 UF200 course, reviews I have received on, and an interview on college radio I did with a former student.

"The fact that professor Guill taught this class made it much better so the professor was definitely one of my favorite parts. Honestly, professor Guill is easily one of my favorite professors so far he made learning very exciting and it's easy to see he's passionate about what he was teaching. The next aspect is the topic. I like learning about conspiracy theories and I believe in a world full of "fake news" or "alternate facts" is hard to know what are facts and what are lies. Through this course I feel I am better prepared to look through the news and communicate with others. I am glad I took this course which is enjoyable and not a book writing one or one just about ethics. I think the way the professor incorporated ethics and diversity with the topic were done very well."

"This class made me a lot more alert on things happening in our day to day lives. Such as interactions with other people and even watching/listening to the news. I feel like I am able to actually pick out some of the topics learned in class in the real world and that is super cool to me."

"The lectures were always great and he was always welcome to answering every question to the best of his knowledge with leaving his personal bias at the door."

"Tim is extremely engaging and provides an extremely fun and welcoming learning environment. He is constantly asking our thoughts, coming up with fun ways in getting everyone involved and getting us to talk to one another and even providing us ways in which to share our opinions even if we are not comfortable sharing those opinions out loud in front of our peers."

Below is some of the feedback I have received from

"Best Professor Ever. His class is amazing and truly interesting and he is very understanding and willing to work with you. He also grades your papers and gives you useful feedback and cares a lot about his students. WIsh I could take another class with him."

"Tim's UF 200 class was my favorite class I've taken at BSU. He is so passionate about his lectures and they were so interesting! Although class wasn't mandatory, I showed up every single class because I genuinely was excited to go! The last couple weeks really tie everything together and make you understand the incorporation of conspiracy theories."

"This is by far one of my favorite classes I have ever taken. The professor makes every class understanding and fun. He makes the lectures different than other ones by playing games, watching videos, and telling stories. If you're at all interested in conspiracy theories, or want an interesting, I would HIGHLY recommend. Great teacher."

Boise State Pulse Radio Interview from February 12, 2020.

I was interviewed by Erik L., a former student, about my course, and how it has contributed to his understanding of misinformation in the modern era.

*The interview begins at 4:00.