Course Development

Course Level Planning

My classes are built utilizing a backwards course design methodology. This approach focuses on developing strong course learning outcomes (LOs) for the semester and then scaffolding each lecture, activity, and assessment in support of the stated LOs.

Planning Process:

    • Identifying and developing achievable LOs using various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.

      1. Examples of LOs for UF200

        1. Identify logical fallacies within your writing, conversations, and thinking.

        2. Create a strategy for further metacognitive development.

        3. Analyze information in order to determine what is misinformation and what is not.

        4. Value the importance of ethics in personal thought and conduct.

        5. Value cultural diversity and the need for social equality.

    • Once the LOs have been identified I create lectures, activities, and assessments that are aligned in a manner than supports the students' growth and mastery of each desired learning outcome.

      1. Examples of activities and assessments

    • Each class within the semester is then planned with daily Class Learning Objectives (CLOs) that are carefully planned to support the overall LOs for the course.

      1. Examples of Lesson Plans for UF200:

        1. Week 1

        2. Week 4

        3. Week 7

        4. Week 10

        5. Week 13