Why Reflection?

Reflection provides each student an opportunity to look back as they go forward. The power of reflection provides students an opportunity to make sense of their college education while also planning their next steps. Whether it’s taking a new position, enlisting in the military, or applying for graduate school, each student will need to be able to articulate why they are well qualified for that next step.


  • LibGuide on Reflection, Articulation, and Translation -- These materials were developed as part of the campus-wide Storyboard initiative and may be of use when considering how to support students' articulation of their learning across time.

  • Check out this website dedicated to Metacognition.

  • Becoming a Learner Essay -- Becoming a Learner by Matthew Sanders is a common text in all UF 100 courses. The short, essay-length version of Becoming a Learner posted here encapsulates the message that many Boise State students are receiving as freshmen.


Research on Reflection and Metacognition

Please use (and share!) this one-page handout to begin exploring the scholarship on reflection.

2020 UF Summit Finishing Foundations Breakout Video 9 30 20 11 28am.mp4

Finishing Foundations Information Session

Curious about how it all works? Watch the FF committee present capstone information and examples at the UF Summit (September 2020).

Student Voices

What does reflection mean to you?

“Being conscious in the act of dissecting individual experiences and applying them to larger concepts.”

Ryann Banks, 2nd year, Political Science

“I’ve learned that instead of asking myself, “What do I want to do?” I should be asking myself, “Who do I wish to become?”

Josh Avraham, 3rd year, Finance

“Creating a deeper understanding of ourselves, our actions, and our purpose through a series of mediums that help us to improve as people.”

Zach Hill, 4th year, Communication

“Cultivating and curating a meaningful story at Boise State and beyond”

Sienna George, 2018 graduate

“The process by which you develop the agency to choose how you live your life. Reflection is consistent, not just an occasional practice.”

Nick Kostovny, 2019 graduate, Finance