Proposal Criteria

When reviewing proposals, the Finishing Foundations committee uses criteria that directly aligns with the proposal form. Please consult the following list when writing your proposal:

Delivery of Information

  • Is your course proposal written in language that would be understood outside of your discipline?
  • Does the proposal include detailed and specific responses to the questions?
  • After reading the proposal, what questions remain?

Course Context (Questions 1-3 on the form)

  • How does the course serve as a capstone for your major? (e.g., Think about how the course fits into the PAR curriculum map)
  • When do your students take this course? Is this a 400-level course?
  • Does the proposal provide a sense of how the discipline-specific project is embedded or incorporated into the course?

Reflection Assignment and Supporting Experiences (Question 4)

  • How are students reflecting on the entire university experience and not just the materials covered in the capstone course?
  • In what ways does the proposal address the three core elements of the reflection assignment: looking back, looking forward, next steps? And what evidence do students draw from for their reflection? What are the steps?
  • Is the reflection integrated into the course (i.e., not “tacked on”)
  • Are the reflective experiences connected? What are the steps that help prepare students for the reflection assignment? Again, make sure you are articulating the steps.

Course Design Table

  • Are the ULOs addressed in the course design table?
  • How are the assessment methods and course activities addressed?