Reflection Assignment

As you think about how to design your FF Reflection Assignment, consider how you can engage students in thinking about and articulating where they are in “becoming” a lifelong learner, a citizen, or a professional. Also consider how you will support students in their reflection work, including how you might find ways for/encourage students to collect examples of their work throughout their degree program. On the FF Course Proposal Questionnaire, programs will be prompted to articulate a plan for both supporting the student reflection process, as well as integrating the specific Reflection Assignment.

Reflection Assignment

Students’ reflection experiences culminate with the completion of an assignment through which they articulate a vision of themselves in the future. Students should provide evidence and/or artifacts from their college experience as a rationale for what they know and can do that connects to their vision of who they want to become. Additionally, they will identify next steps to help them achieve their vision.

The Reflection Assignment will be left to individual programs to design. Some examples could include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • A letter or presentation to a future employer/graduate program explaining why they are the best fit for a job or program
  • A video of a mock interview
  • Portfolio reflection
  • A multi-modal presentation using technological platforms
  • Written essay

Visit the Examples page to see a range of sample assignments.

Common Elements

While the reflection assignment can take any form, students must address the following three elements:

Looking Forward: Articulate your vision

    • A succinct statement exploring who the student wants to become as a learner, as a citizen, or as a professional

Looking Back: Reflect on and integrate your relevant knowledge, skills, and dispositions

    • A description of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions acquired as a result of the student’s university experience that directly connect to the vision statement
    • Conclusions are supported with evidence from students’ educational experiences

Next Steps: Describe actionable steps necessary for achieving your vision

    • A description of immediate next steps necessary to accomplish the student’s vision
    • Steps logically build upon the knowledge, skills, and dispositions students identify as part of the reflective process