Alison Skilbred

College of Innovation and Design

"In all stages of life, reflection matters. It is especially salient during times of transition such as preparing for graduation. Reflection is the means by which we gain access to who we are, what we want, the value we bring, and how we consider ways to build meaningful lives. Perhaps one of the most important skills required in our professional and personal lives, is the ability to articulate these dimensions of ourselves to others. Integrating reflective practice into pathways, which develop content expertise, is a valuable service to our students and prepares them for a world where they will find opportunity to put these abilities into practice, with regularity."

What, Why, How.docx

Overview of Alison's Approach

Low-Stakes Reflection Prompts.pdf

Low-stakes ideas for integrating reflection into courses

Sample FF Assignment.docx

Reflection Assignment

Course Design Table.docx

Course Design Table