First 6 Months & BEyond

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the best onboarding experience of them all? So many people make the mistake of thinking of the onboarding period is a set timeframe. Onboarding is continual and doesn’t end after 90 or even 180 days. Most employees need six months before the company’s culture really begins to feel natural. It is easy to leave the onboarding process on cruise control (at this point); here are some ways to keep your onboarding from being left to chance.

Bronco Basics

This is a great time to check in and see how your employee is doing. See if they need any more clarity on their role, and see how they are liking it.

Review your employee's Individual Development Plan, or have them fill it out if they haven't already, and see where you can help them toward their goals.

Give your employee some encouragement. Review what is going well and where there are areas to make even better.

Consider offering a training or professional development opportunity. You could also help them expand their Boise State network.


Individual Development Plan [IDP] Final.docx

Advanced Bronco Onboarding

20 Unique Ideas for Employee Onboarding

Advanced Bronco Onboarding [6 months]