Relevant NGSS MS and HS Forces Standards

In this set of questions, we examine physics educators' assessment of students' ideas related to forces.

Relevant NGSS standards are drawn from both MS-PS2 (Disciplinary Core Idea PS2.A) and HS-PS2 (Disciplinary Core Idea PS2.A). In particular, we focus on conceptual ideas; attending to the mathematical skills of students is outside the scope of this assessment.

Candidate items

Questions may attempt to address one idea, but frequently students bring in other ideas - so the delineation noted here does not necessarily hold when we look at student work.

Constant force means constant acceleration, not constant velocity:

Bucket lift (muddy - students think of this as an equal-and-opposite question)

Contact forces act only while objects are in contact, non-contact forces (gravity) are always acting:

Soccer kick

Ball toss (muddier - contact/noncontact, acceleration)

Bungee (muddier - contact/non-contact and spring force)

Kate's box (contact/noncontact and friction)

Force pairs are equal and opposite:

Pushing off