This page is designed to provide an example of what a final assessment task would look like. The actual selected-resopnse text will be based on our findings from the free-response version of the assessment.

Before responding to the questions below, please work through the following task that was given to an introductory physics class.

Rank your level of agreement with how well the following statements capture the important physics idea(s) in the task, if given to an introductory physics class.

[ 1 ] Newton's Third Law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

[ 2 ] If there is a net force on an object, that object will accelerate.

[ 3 ] Drawing and interpreting free-body diagrams.

Consider Student A's response to the task given in their physics class.

Rank your level of agreement with how accurately the following statements describe Student A's reasoning about the task:

Rank your level of agreement with the following physics teacher responses to Student A.