The task & goals

The task, in which someone shoves a box that slides to a stop, asks students to consider forces acting in one dimensions. Like other questions in this cluster, this examines how students describe motion (speeding up, slowing down) and connect that motion to forces. 

Student responses

This is a strong "incorrect" response. It's possible for a teacher to focus on the missing normal/gravity forces or the diagram that isn't a typical free-body-diagram. However, the more important story is that the student is not distinguishing momentum and force.  (*would be cleaner if the "leftover momentum" is somehow weaker than the friction force...* -- maybe even make sure here the force is less than friction, so friction is "winning" in the last two diagrams )

This student response identifies the correct forces for the initial push, using a typical free-body diagram, but then has the force from the push stay, and is stronger than friction to keep the box moving forward. (In the last image, I would expect to have the forward force there but almost gone so that it tracks with speed and not acceleration.  But language suggests it comes to a stop)