Student Projects

Student Leads: Laurel Hinds & Billie Peacock


  • Provided vision screenings, exams, and new eyewear to 23 elder refugee students.

  • 85% of elders screened were found to need new prescription glasses

Community Partners

  • English Language Center: Thank you for opening your classroom and providing interpreters!

  • Lions Club of Boise: Thank you for the free vision screenings!

  • Barber Town EyeCare: Thank you for the free eye exams!

  • Proof Eyewear: Thank you for the free eyewear!

Linguistics Capstone Students: Becca Born, Theadora Callahan, Ryan Carter, Ethan Hoggan, & Hannah Steiner; in collaboration with Ashley Hislop, Services to Older Refugees Coordinator, and Pascal Sabimana, Interpreter.


  • Partnered with the Idaho Office for Refugees to conduct a task-based needs analysis of elder refugee language learners.

  • Conducted interpreted interviews with 16 elder students enrolled in the ELC's elder refugee class.

  • Identified 5 key domains of use (Shopping, Home & Neighbors, Financial Literacy, Health Care, and Transportation) that the elders described as important to them. Documented the situations that elders find themselves in outside of class, as well as the linguistic demands of these situations.

  • Presented findings and a curriculum guide to representatives from the Idaho Office for Refugees.

Engineering 103 Service Project

Student Lead: Laurel Hinds


  • Engineering students created a model of the Boise Winco Foods store layout, and converted this to a video that can be used in local ESL classes.