About Us

The Elders Class

The elders class takes place at the English Language Center in Boise. The elders class curriculum was developed in collaboration with the elder students themselves, and includes task-based units on Shopping, Home & Neighbors, Transportation, Health Care, and Financial Literacy. The class also includes a focus on Citizenship. Elders have opportunities to practice the naturalization interview and civics exam questions with Boise State student volunteers.

 Our Partners

Building Community through Language

The ELC is committed to a safe, welcoming environment and strengths-based approach, where teachers and students work together to build a solid learning foundation designed to help students thrive in the community. 

Creating Welcoming Communities that Thrive 

The Idaho Office for Refugees supports our nation’s founding belief of offering refuge and safety to people forced to leave their homes due to persecution of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or ethnic heritage. We create opportunities for refugees and the larger community to come together over their shared values of hard work, family, faith, and freedom.


A national service-learning initiative

Our Team

Ashley Hislop

Services to Older Refugees Coordinator


Casey Iezzi

BSU SHINE Coordinator
