Below is a starting point - not a complete list - of some providers we have worked with at Roosevelt and/or have working relationships with we can pass on for community referrals. Please see below and check with me if you have a specific need - we are so lucky to live in a community with such great professionals!
I am a bit of a book junkie -- so if there is something you see from these resources lists you need, please check with me to see if you can borrow from me and/or our library has a growing selection of resources (thanks to our PTA support) for check out from the School Counselor Library for students and parents. This section is continually updated as I hear about new and great resources ...let me know if you have feedback on something you need or found helpful! During our book fair we will feature many of these titles as well - so if you can purchase during these opportunities, it is a win-win for all!
The sub-pages contain a variety of sites from parenting assistance, math websites, to reading skills websites -- in no particular order, just as I find them I will bookmark them for you! Let me know if you have a site that you find helpful to your child and/or your family so we can share with others!
Food Pantries
Self-Rescue Manual
The Self-Rescue Manual contains local resources, counseling supports and much more:
Boise School District Suicide Prevention & Intervention Site