Bogota Graduation Requirements

A. High School Graduation Requirements

1. 20 credits in English language arts aligned to grade nine through twelve standards;

2. 15 credits in mathematics, including Algebra I or the content equivalent; geometry or the content equivalent; and a third year of mathematics that builds on the concepts and skills of algebra and geometry and that prepares students for college and 21st century careers;

3. 15 credits in social studies, including satisfaction of N.J.S.A. 18A:35-1 and 18A:35-2; five credits in world history; and the integration of civics, economics, geography, and global content in all course offerings;

4. 15 credits in science, including at least five credits in laboratory biology/life science or the content equivalent; one additional laboratory/inquiry-based science course, which shall include chemistry, environmental science, or physics; and one additional laboratory/inquiry-based science course;

5. 5 credits in health, safety, and physical education during each year of enrollment, distributed as one hundred fifty minutes per week, as required by N.J.S.A. 18A:35-5, 7, and 8;

6. 10 credits in visual and performing arts;

7. 10 credits in world languages or student demonstration of proficiency as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:8-5.1(a)2ii(2);

8. 2.5 credits in financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy;

9. Technological literacy, consistent with the NJSLS, integrated throughout the curriculum;

10. 5 credits in 21st century life and careers, or career-technical education; and

11. Electives as determined by the high school program sufficient to total a minimum of 12.5 credits.

B. Additional Graduation Requirements

1. Attendance requirements as indicated in Policy and Regulation 5200;

2. Other requirements established by the Board of Education as indicated below: Community Service 35 Hours

3. Any statutorily mandated requirements for earning a high school diploma; and

4. Any Statewide assessment graduation requirements as determined by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), and as outlined in C. below.