Student Dress Code

A.  General Rules

B.  Attire Acceptable for Students

    1.  Shirts

           a. Casual shirts, turtlenecks, and dress shirts (long or short-sleeved).

           b. Shirts must be loosely fitted and midriffs must be covered.

           c. Dress shirts must be buttoned above the chest line unless worn over another shirt.

    2.  Sweaters and Sweatshirts

           a. Crew-necked, v-necked, or cardigans

           b. All shirts, sweaters, and sweatshirts must be no longer than fingertip length.

    3. Pants and Skirts

           a. Casual style pants, dress pants, or jeans that conform to guidelines listed in these regulations.

           b. Shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh.

           c. Skirts must be no shorter than mid-thigh (no slits).

           d. Capri pants

           e. Width of pant cuffs must be within the heel to toe of the student’s footwear.

           f. Pants must be worn at the waist.

    4. Footwear

           a. Shoes with rubber or hard soles and sneakers

           b. Sandals

     5. All Board of Education-approved athletic uniforms only on days designated by the Building Principal.

C. Attire Not Acceptable for Students

          a. Tank tops, thin-strapped tops, tube tops, mesh, fishnet styles, spandex-type materials or clothing that exposes the back, chest, shoulders, or midriff, low-cut shirts.

          b. Material cannot be sheer or see-through.

     2. Outerwear

      a. Jackets, coats, windbreakers, warm-up jackets, hats, bandanas, gloves, headbands, sweatbands, and head coverings which are not worn for bonafide religious, hygienic, or medical reasons, and any type of outer garment may not be worn in the classrooms, hallways, or the cafeteria during the school day.

          b. Material cannot be sheer or see-through.

     3. Pants and Skirts

          a. Material cannot be sheer, see-through, tight fitting, or spandex-type material.

          b. Chain link or metal belts.

          c. Pajama pants

     4. Footwear

          a. Flip-flops

          b. Shower shoes

          c. Bedroom slippers

          d. Cleated shoes

D.  The following garments and articles are also prohibited in school and at school-sponsored events:

E.  Enforcement

As previously addressed, inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior will result in one or more of the following consequences:  verbal warning, parent/teacher conference and/or detention, conference with the building administrator or designee, exclusion from extracurricular activities, in-school suspension; out of school suspension, referral to outside agencies or expulsion.

The Board of Education recognizes that the disciplinary progression at the elementary level will be adjusted in accordance with the age-appropriate procedures.  The building administration reserves the right to make determinations within the approved code. Students who transfer to public schools will be informed of the standard of dress and will receive up to five days to comply.

Finally, it is not the intention of the Bloomfield Board of Education to infringe upon the rights of any individual but rather to provide a safe environment for all students to receive the education they so rightfully deserve.