Student Data Services

Registration of Students from Other Districts

Students who transfer from other districts must register as soon as possible at the Administrative Services/Registration Office in the Administration Building located on the ground floor at 155 Broad Street.  For information, please call 973-680-8501, extension 2000.

Transfer of Students to Other Districts

Students leaving the school district must give the building Principal information concerning their new home and school address to complete the Transfer Card.  Students must return all books and school materials to their teachers and pay any fines for lost or damaged materials.

Pupil Records

Parents have the right of access and the right to challenge information contained in students’ records.  Inquiries may be directed to the Principal or Director of Special Education.

Kindergarten Registration

Preliminary registration of kindergarten children is made during March of the school year preceding their entrance to school.  The child’s birth certificate and evidence of complying with the district’s residency requirements and health requirements must be presented at the time of registration. Further information and registration packets are available on the Student Registration Web page on the Bloomfield School District Website.

To be eligible for entrance to kindergarten, a child must be five years old on or before October 1st of that school year.