Curriculum Information

Comprehensive Health and PE Standards: Human Relationships and Sexuality

The State of New Jersey has mandated instruction in family life education (Grades 7-12) as well as general health instruction including substance awareness and AIDS education.  This notice is published to comply with the state mandate, and is intended to satisfy other state requirements concerning parental notification. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.7, any child whose parent or guardian presents to the school a signed statement that any part of instruction in health, family life education or sex education is in conflict with his conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course.  Letters directed to the principal’s office at your child’s school should specify areas of the curriculum in which philosophical or religious differences are held.  Include your full name (print), signature and your child’s full name and grade. A copy of the complete curriculum can be reviewed at your child’s school.

Kindergarten Program

In Bloomfield, emphasis is put on the needs of the individual. Bloomfield Kindergarten is a full day program. The child is encouraged to ask questions, seek answers, observe, discover and explore.  The child is challenged but not pressured. Kindergarten is a place where a child is valued, encouraged, and cared for and where a positive self-image is gained. Kindergarten is also a place where a child is encouraged to develop self-dependence, self-confidence, and self-control.  

Promotion and Retention

The Board of Education supports an educational program of high academic standards.  The program shall provide maximum opportunities and challenges for each student to progress according to his/her own needs and abilities.  Students are placed at the grade level most appropriate to their academic, social, and emotional development.  

The educational program provides for the continuous progress of students from grade to grade.  Most students spend one year in each grade. A small number of students, however, may benefit from staying another year in the same grade.  The following are criteria for retention:

The student is not achieving minimum proficiency levels in basic skills.

The recommendation for the promotion or retention of pupils is the responsibility of the teacher or teachers involved in the retention process.

Report Cards/Parent Conferences

Alternative Education Programs


The Twilight alternative education program offers a viable and suitable education option for students who have not experienced success in their present settings and who require a personalized learning environment and academic program.  Since these students may exhibit patterns of behavior that interfere with the educational process which often occur in conjunction with poor academic performance, Bloomfield High School finds it necessary to establish a program to achieve both school-related objectives and to facilitate student success.

The alternative education program takes students who are not engaged in school, who have lost their commitment to school, or who have not succeeded in school, and creates an environment to empower students to change their attitudes, behavior and accomplish personal and academic goals.  Thus, this alternative education program offers a credible option to address the needs of students with a history of negative school experiences and patterns of chronic behavior.

The alternative education program will focus on engaging students in real-world learning through service learning, community service, internships, and externships.  This alternative education program will focus on helping students connect their learning experience with the greater community. This alternative school program will not only educate students but also nurture students and respect the intellectual and social development that students are experiencing as young adolescents.


The “PRIDE” alternative education program offers an effective and supportive educational option for students who have not experienced success in their present settings and who require a small group environment and increased attention from school staff.  Since these students may exhibit patterns of behavior that interfere with the educational process which often occur in conjunction with poor academic performance, Bloomfield High School finds it necessary to establish a program to achieve both school-related objectives and to facilitate student success.

The “PRIDE” alternative education program takes students who are not engaged in school, who have lost their commitment to school, or who have not succeeded in school, and creates an environment to empower students to change their attitudes, behavior and accomplish personal and academic goals.  Thus, the Bloomfield “PRIDE” alternative education program offers a credible option to address the needs of students with a history of negative school experience and patterns of chronic behavior that have been disruptive to their own education, as well as to that of their classmates.

The “PRIDE” alternative education program will focus on reintegrating students back into a traditional academic environment.  The “PRIDE” alternative education program will focus on helping students reconnect with the learning experience and with their learning environments.  The “PRIDE” alternative school program will not only educate students, but also nurture students and respect the intellectual and social development that students are experiencing as young adolescents.