Student Code of Conduct

The Bloomfield School District believes that in order for students to realize their full potential, pupils should know that their attitudes and acts affect both their own and their classmates' learning.  Toward this end, each student should accept the responsibility of helping to foster a positive school environment.

Student Rights

Student Responsibilities


Each student is expected to accept the responsibility and consequences of his/her inappropriate actions.

Discipline should be developmentally appropriate.  It should be fair and respect the self-esteem of the students.

Behavior that is disruptive and/or inappropriate to the well-being of an individual or a group in a school requires disciplinary measures to help foster the development of self-discipline on the part of the student.

As previously addressed, inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior will result in one or more of the following consequences:

Verbal warning, parent/teacher conference and/or detention, conference with the building administrator, exclusion from extracurricular activities, in-school suspension, out of school suspension, referral to outside agencies, expulsion.

Appropriate Behavior

Students will:

Enter and exit the building at designated times unless attending an authorized activity or with written teacher permission.

Be prepared for the day’s work with completed assignments as required.

Exhibit self-discipline and show respect for teachers, staff members, parents, school volunteers, and fellow students.

Use school property and equipment with care and safety.

Demonstrate considerate and safe behavior in classrooms, hallways, lavatories, lunchrooms, the playground, and other school facilities.

Use respectful language at an appropriate volume level at all times.

Wear clothing that is presentable and does not interfere with the educational process.

Seek teacher, counselor or medical assistance when necessary.

Demonstrate responsible and appropriate conduct while participating in or attending school sponsored events, regardless of location.

Inappropriate Behaviors

According to NJSA 18A:37-2, students will not:

Furthermore, students will not:

Fail to follow school and classroom rules (i.e. running in the halls, throwing objects, fighting, bringing items of distraction to school, gum chewing, wearing hats, coats, etc. in school).

Bring pagers, CD/tape players, radios, laser pointers, and any other electronic devices to school.

Harass any student verbally, physically, or emotionally; or extort, or cause willful destruction of another’s property.

Commit any criminal act.

Possess matches, lighters, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or any related paraphernalia.

Use gang related gestures, signs, or clothing.

Wear clothing that promotes alcohol, tobacco, drugs, violence, sexist or racial pseudo-humor, or obscene messages.

Cut scheduled classes or leave the school grounds during the school day without appropriate permission.