First Grade (5-7)

Physical Development

  • like to test physical limits

  • need time to expend high energy

  • very hungry

  • start to fidget (chew nails or pencil, etc...)

  • use physical activities to socialize and make friends

  • more advanced equipment (no training wheels, etc...)

  • start roughhousing/ being physical with others

  • start to care about how fast or strong he/she is

Cognitive Development

  • work in sprouts

  • letter and word reversal is common

  • just learning to read

  • use logic

  • can plan ahead

  • enjoy sorting or classifying objects

  • winning and losing is hard to understand

  • likes games with simple rules

  • may cheat

  • want "real" things

Social and Emotional Development

  • Likes to work, yet often does so in spurts

  • Does not show persistence

  • Tends to be a "know-it-all"

  • Free with opinions and advice

  • Brings home evidence of good schoolwork

  • Observes family rules

  • Easily makes friends

  • Often compares self to peers

  • Makes social connections through play

  • Friends are usually of the same sex

  • Active

  • Outgoing

  • Charming

  • Proud of accomplishments

  • Shows aggression through insults such as name-calling

Creative and personal development

  • Increase in making shapes and letters

  • Tell jokes and riddles; simple puns

  • Tries to express feelings with words

  • Neater handwriting

  • Be able to dance in time to music

  • Perhaps play a musical instrument