Science Careers 

Typical jobs/ employers

Click above for list of potential opportunities in Science.- including graduate and apprenticeship options 

Science and pharmaceutical careers

What areas of science and pharmaceuticals can I work in?

Who are the main graduate employers?


Click below for relevant job profiles (A-Z)

work placement ideas

other work placement ideas

Blackpool Victoria Hospital are currently asking students to apply for a range of work experience opportunities directly - please specify in your application that you require science specific placement hours and address where you ideally would like to go

Please email requests to with a brief explanation of what you are looking for and what you would like to gain out of your placement, stating a preferred date and location for you application.

Additional links


Below are a few places where you can access virtual work experiences. Also doing a regular internet search for ‘virtual work experience’ will also help discover new schemes as they become established:



*Sourced from:


Types of science degrees available

The science degrees you are likely to be most familiar with are biology, chemistry and physics. These are the broad, traditional science subjects you’ll have studied at school but they aren’t the only science degree options out there. You can choose to study a more specialist degree.

If you want a chemistry-based degree, other options include:

If you want a biology-based degree, other options include:

If you want a physics-based degree, other options include:

Careers in Biomedical Science.pptx

"If you plan to work as a biomedical scientist you should choose an IBMS accredited or HCPC approved degree

If your degree is not accredited by IBMS, any educational shortfall can be identified and your degree can be assessed. You may need to take additional modules on an IBMS accredited degree"



Career Videos