student entitlement; Your futures Appointment 

(For information about the National Career Service, please scroll down.)

What to expect from a Futures Service appointment and how to prepare.  

Everyone's career path is different- we tailor our support to your individual needs. 

We are here to support you through transition, choices and any part of your career planning journey including work placement. 

So, what happens at a Futures appointment?

But what actually happens in an appointment? Will your career path magically open up before you during it? Will everything become clear as a result?

We would love the answer to those questions to be ‘Yes’! But in all honesty an appointment is part of a process where you begin to figure these things out for yourself. We aim to help you clarify the issues most important to you, answer your questions and enable you to make progress, no matter what stage you come to us at.

Futures purpose of meeting/schedule 22/23.docx

To book an appointment please click here

Or email 

Career/ work placement appointments

Appointments can be booked through the

 Blackpool Sixth Form website, or 

by emailing 

Through your appointment, advisers will help you with any questions you may have. 

We talk to students about many issues. The following list is not exhaustive. 

Want to chat to an external adviser instead?

Call the National Career Service on:

 0800 100 900 

We're closed Sunday, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

Calls are free from landlines and most mobile numbers. Please check for possible call charges and freephone numbers.

What to expect 

This is your appointment. You set the agenda, the pace, and are totally in control. You will also be doing most of the talking. 

Careers Advisers (CA)  facilitate your career choice and development, rather than lead it.

Your Future meeting will cover:

Contract - This is where the client (student) and CA will set out what goals need to be achieved in the session.

Here you will have a discussion about what you as the client wants out of the session

The CA may ask lots of propping unusual questions like what is your favourite subject or hobby. It may be worth completing the (Talent/Passion/Values) worksheet before you attend the meeting, if you are unsure of these.

A CA may challenge your statements, will try to make the picture clearer for you and help you to plan your next steps.  They will help you widen your ideas and give you other opportunities you may not have considered as well as look at specific information you are interested in. They will allow you to explore and understand the labour market information and how that fits into your interests.

 The job of a CA is to question, de-mystify and positively challenge misconceptions so client can think and reflect on what to do next. They will ask you to have back up plans just in case. This may upset you or feel like they are not trusting of your ideas however, plans change and being able to be open minded and embrace challenges life will throw at you is all part of being successful. This allows you to develop the resilience needed when you are dealing with similar feelings in your whole lifespan.


The CA will ask you to confirm your ideas into a SMART action plan, which will support you moving forward to your next steps into making informed decisions about your future and career pathway.

This may be the only guidance session you ever have so use it wisely and try and learn how to equip yourself with the relevant tools needed to get you through the rest of your career lifespan.

You may not leave with all the answers – but you should be closer to finding them!

An adviser may:

An adviser cannot:

How to get the most out of your appointment

At peak times, you may not be able to get an immediate appointment.  So we want you to get the maximum benefit out of every appointment. *Remember there is usally 2000 students at sixth form- we have an expectation to see you all! 

If you just don't know where to start thinking about your career, that's fine. An Adviser can help you with this, especially if you are worrying about how and where to start. Just be aware that each appointment may only help you to move a few steps along.

If you are able and willing to do a little (or a lot!) of preparation, you will inevitably find yourself further along the process. Even a small amount of research or reflection may help you to focus the appointment on what you are really needing.

Even if you don’t know what you want to do, there is still some research you can do. 

We really want to help and support you to obtain your career goals & placement options and help if you are struggling to know what is best for you! 

Please contact the team- we are happy to help!