Students will eventually lose track of their iPad, how does BIS HCMC arrange to scope with that?

BIS students are asked to change the wallpaper of their iPad so that their photo, name and class are displayed. When a teacher opens the iPad, they can clearly see who owns the iPad.  

How long will students use their iPads for each day?

The iPad is used to enhance the learning process throughout the day. It is used on a needs basis, as directed by the class and specialist teachers. There is no set time limit but teachers are aware of both the benefits of using the iPads and the negative effects of too much screen time, and as such will monitor this. 

How do I set up my child's iPad so that it does not display inappropriate content?

Please refer to this page: Screen Time. Using Apple Family Sharing, it allows you to control what apps and sites your child has access to everyday. 

Should the iPad be brought to school everyday?

Yes, your child should bring the iPad fully charged to school everyday. Your child can bring the iPad home at the end of the school day. 

Will the students need to switch to laptops when they move to Year 5 or 6?

No. When students move to Year 7, they need to bring a laptop for the secondary BYOD programme. 

How will I know my child's iPad will be safe? Where will they store it?

Your child's iPad will be stored in their classroom. 

Devices often have technical glitches and require support and repair- will the school be offering such a support service, or is the intention for parents to be responsible for maintenance? 

At BIS HCMC, we have had a BYOD laptop programme in the school over the past few years. Our technology support team have been supporting students for the past four years. 

One of the reasons we are changing our BYOD programme to a BYO-iPad programme is that the iPad is an extremely reliable device.  Also all students will have the same device. This makes it easier for the teacher to support their students if there is an issue. Teachers are being trained in how to use the iPad and the settings required. 

There may be some maintenance of storage on the iPad. If you choose to buy an iPad with 32 GB of storage, it should be sufficient. However, please understand that this will require regular storage management. Most of the files will be stored locally on the iPad or on Google Drive. 

Can my child use an iPad Pro Cellular Model?

We do not recommend an iPad with cellular capabilities as this will allow your child unfiltered access to the internet as well as the potential for a large phone bill due to excessive cellular use. If your child's iPad does have cellular capabilities, they will be asked to join the BIS Student WiFi network and to remove the SIM card. 

Can we use the iPad at home for private use at home and install children's games and other educational apps?

Yes. We will provide a list of required apps for the academic year 2021/2022. However, there are some apps that are not appropriate for school: Social Media apps, e.g. Tiktok, Facebook, etc. 

Apps can be offloaded during the school day and re-downloaded in the evening or weekends. When you offload an app, you do not lose any of your data. Click on this link to learn how to offload apps. If a child has an app that is not on the required apps list, the teacher will ask the student to offload the app. 

Will my child have access to their iPad during their playtime or free time? Or is the iPad only available during class hours?

The iPad will only be used during class time unless there is a special learning based reason and under supervision e.g. to survey children at break time.