Detailed information on the school’s curriculum is set out in the curriculum booklets and option booklets available on the school website.
The secondary curriculum is organised into three parts:
Key Stage 3 (KS3)
This includes Years 7, 8, 9. Guided and structured by the National Curriculum for England, adapted to our international context.
Key Stage 4 (KS4)
This includes Years 10 & 11. Core studies of a bespoke Wellbeing curriculum and Physical Education, and compulsory examination courses supplemented by ‘optional’ examination courses, leading to International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSEs).
Sixth Form
This includes Years 12 & 13. Core studies of Wellbeing, and compulsory examined courses and optional examination courses form the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
Each of these areas of the curriculum is described in detail in individual booklets which are given to new parents and available on the school website here:
Options (Electives)
Various curriculum options (electives) are available to students with the choice increasing as they progress through secondary education.
Key Stage 3
Some language choices. See BIS KS3 Curriculum Handbook.
Key Stage 4
Four subject choices and various routes through core subjects. See BIS KS4 Curriculum Handbook and Options Booklet.
Sixth Form
A wide range of choices from six areas. See the BIS IBDP Options Booklet for further information.
Home learning
Home learning is an essential part of an effective partnership between home and school that helps to encourage successful learning. Home learning not only reinforces classroom learning, it also helps all BIS students to develop skills and attitudes they need for successful lifelong learning. It can support the development of independent learning skills, including enquiry, critical thinking, metacognition, personal organisation and perseverance. Home learning will only be set when it is required and is beneficial to students' learning. As such, there may be times when teachers decide not to set home learning.
Recording home learning
Students use their journals to record and keep track of home learning. Parents play a key role in supporting the aims of home learning by providing a quiet place to work and encouraging the routine of completing learning on the night set, so that it is fresh in the mind and submission deadlines will be met.
Secondary home learning timings
The time required for a task will in part depend on the student's approach, as well as the task at hand. The depth of engagement and quality of thinking is most important. The timings offered are a guideline only. Should you feel your child is spending too little or too much time on their home learning tasks, please refer to their Form Tutor.
Years 7 & 8: Approx. 20-30 minutes per subject, spread throughout the school fortnightly timetable.
Year 9: 30-40 minutes per subject, spread throughout the school week.
Years 10 & 11: 40-50 minutes per subject, spread throughout the school week, with some work required at weekends.
Years 12 & 13: Up to 60 minutes per subject, but also longer term work; research and assignment writing. Regular independent learning, including at weekends.
Holiday home learning
Holiday home learning is not set for Years 7-9. This does not preclude a teacher providing students with optional holiday tasks such as a short reading list.
Students approaching external examinations will be guided on the nature and quantity of revision that is expected and recommended.
Instrumental Lessons
All students are encouraged to learn a musical instrument at BIS HCMC and all KS3 students will engage in this learning as part of the music curriculum.
Outside of the curriculum, lessons are available in brass, woodwind, guitar, percussion, voice or string instruments. These lessons take place during the day by withdrawal from regular lessons or where possible in lunch and after school slots. When the lesson is taught as a withdrawal from class, there is a rotation so that the same lesson is not missed each week. Lessons are taught by an experienced and qualified team of local and foreign instrumental teachers. These lessons require an extra fee and must be paid for in advance. ABRSM examinations are also offered at the school.