Parental Involvement

All parents/guardians of BIS students are automatically members of the PTG. This group provides a link between parents, teachers and students, with the purpose of promoting and helping to build a strong and united school community, as well as assisting in raising funds and providing resources for various projects. The group strives to build community spirit among children, parents and staff.

All volunteers are welcome, whatever their interests or availability, since it takes a large team to coordinate all of the activities throughout the year. PTG activities vary from year to year and evolve as the needs of the school community change. While many PTG activities are social, others are fund-raisers. 

If you are keen to become more involved in school life, you are welcome to attend our meetings; our parent group is a diverse group of people who have fun making a difference in the lives of our children at school. If you are interested, please contact (

Secondary Parent Group Meetings 

Parent Teacher Group meetings are held once every two weeks in one of the meeting rooms next to the Secondary Campus reception. All parents and teachers are welcome to join the meeting at any time to share ideas and get involved with upcoming events. Please contact the PTG for the day and time.

Special Events and Fundraising

Many special events occur throughout the year. These may be organised by the school, the parent body or both. Most provide opportunities for volunteer involvement and many are fund raisers. Fund raising at the school includes raising money for charities and to support student project. Raising money for charities serves the specific purpose of giving money to charities but also educates students about charities and fund raising. The most frequent and major special events are listed below. Events may change from year to year.

International Day

International Day has been celebrated at BIS for many years. This is a festival celebrating the wide range of cultures and nationalities which make up the school community and the spirit which brings everyone together.  Students dress in their national attire, enjoy sampling international food and drink and participate in other activities. International Day is organised by the school in conjunction with the parent body.

Christmas BISzaar

This is the main PTG fund-raising event held toward the end of Term 1. It has become a wonderful BIS community event with many local vendors, activities for children, visits from Santa, musical interludes and a variety of refreshments.

Social Nights 

These are held throughout the year, and offer a chance for parents and teachers to meet in an informal atmosphere. Details are published in the weekly newsletter. 

Settling in to BIS and Ho Chi Minh City

As you go about settling into your new home as well as settling your child(ren) into their new class, you may find that you need someone to talk to, to ask questions about living in Ho Chi Minh City or even about school. Sometimes just a friendly chat over a cup of coffee can make all the difference.  Please feel welcome to contact to do just that. 


Parent Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities to volunteer at school. It is a great way to meet people, have fun, learn about the school and provide input into the experience your child will have at school and in Vietnam. Please feel free to contact our Whole School Community Service Manager, Mrs Tracey Brownrigg, who will give you some ideas of how you can volunteer with some of the charities that the school supports.