Digital Citizenship

Common Sense Media are an American Organisation that produce a variety of fantastic resources covering the areas of Internet Safety, Privacy and Security, Relationship and Communication, Cyber bullying, Digital Footprint and Reputation, Self image and Identity, Information Literacy and Creative Credit and Copyright. They provide comprehensive schemes of work for children from K-12 with some fabulous ideas on how to tackle internet safety and digital citizenship issues.As well as this the website provides reviews on Apps, Games and Websites for learning. It is really worth a look.

Think U Know is a website produced by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Protection Centre) and is from the UK. It provides a range of teaching resources from ages 5-7, 8-10 and 11-16 year olds. On the site you can find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. There is also a section where you can find what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it.