
Our blog section looks at a different ways of supporting your child in making the most of their online experiences. Here you can discover helpful suggestions from our dedicated team to assist your child's learning at home.

How we support student well-being in a virtual school environment

In our Virtual School Experience (VSE) at #BISHanoi, we value the importance of well-being and understand that it is closely related to academic success. One of the challenges for us during VSE is ensuring our students have time to experience passive social opportunities that occur naturally during the school day when we are in-person learning.

By implementing new well-being initiatives into the Primary school curriculum and adapting the existing well-being curriculum in the Secondary school, our teachers and pastoral care team have worked continuously to support student well-being in a virtual school setting.

The Virtual School Experience: How we prepare our students for the future that does not yet exist

What if we consider the challenges that the pandemic has brought us all as an opportunity for growth and reflection?

Has this period become a chance for us to spring faster forward into the future?

The answers are right here in this article, written by Ms Stephanie Miller, our Deputy Head of Secondary.

Top tips to support your child during Virtual Learning

Mr. John Twemlow, our Head of Digital Strategy offers some useful suggestions to help you support your child throughout virtual learning. đź’»

Check out his great tips to help you review your child's assignment and ensure they have full access to Microsoft Office Suite.

How to manage screen time during Virtual Learning

Technology brings about many exciting opportunities and is currently at the forefront of our education delivery. Here at BIS Hanoi, we are committed to ensuring your child experiences a world class education, but equally we consider how much time is spent in front of a screen daily – whether that be using a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop device.