Korean Secondary Virtual School

Dear Parents and Students,

As we approach the beginning of the school year, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all members of the BIS Hanoi Secondary School community. I, like many of you, are new to the school this year and I can say with absolute confidence that you are part of a successful, ambitious, and caring learning community that is going from strength to strength.

The last 18 months have been a challenging time for many people around the world, including those in our community. During this time, BIS Hanoi has continued to thrive and innovate, while always staying true to its mission of operating in the best interests of students. I hope you are as excited as I am to begin the school year and to experience the wide array of choices a school as well-resourced and globally connected as ours affords.

Please carefully review the Virtual School Experience (VSE) Parent Guidebook at the end of this page as it carefully explains the structure of the VSE programme and the expectations for students and parents.

You will also find the Parent Handbook attached, which is a document released every year and relates to the broader operation of the Secondary School, not just the Virtual School Experience.

I am very much looking forward to meeting new and existing families in the coming months. At BIS Hanoi, the partnership between the school, students, and parents i​s very important. Therefore, we invite you to contact the Secondary School Office should you have any questions at all about the upcoming year. Please stay connected with us and with each other.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Newman

Head of Secondary


  • All lessons will be delivered live by the relevant subject teacher.

  • Students will follow their timetable exactly as it is published, and all subjects will run. Timetables will be shared with students on Day 1 of the school year.

  • Microsoft Teams is the platform through which all lessons are to be delivered, and important documents and information stored. Other technology platforms can supplement, and use will vary subject to subject.

  • Students will receive instructions about how to log into MS Teams for the first time prior Day 1 of the school year. They will then take part in a series of workshops to learn how to use the platform.

  • Registers will be taken during Form Tutor at the start of the day and in every lesson. Attendance will closely monitored and count towards official attendance records.

  • To allow physically movement between lessons, lesson durations will be changed to 45 minutes. Lesson 1, 3, and 5 will finish 5 minutes early. Lessons 2, 4, and 6 will start 5 minutes late.

  • Our pastoral and wellbeing programs continue as timetabled, including tutor time, assemblies, and wellbeing lessons.

  • ECAs will run as planned, beginning in September. These will be hosted online, should we still be in VSE at that time.

  • Assessment practices during VSE need to run as normal. Students need to be assessed and receive feedback on progress.

  • Reports and parent evenings will follow a normal schedule while virtual.

  • Should the school still be virtual come PTC4 for Year 11 & Year 13 in October, examinations will run virtually using MS Teams.

The School Day

Tutor: 8:30 am - 8:50 am

Period 1: 8:50 am - 9:35 am

Period 2: 9:45 am - 10:30 am

BREAK: 10:30 am - 10:55 am

Period 3: 10:55 am - 11:40 am

Period 4: 11:50 am - 12:35 pm

LUNCH: 12:35 pm - 1:25 pm

Period 5: 1:25 pm - 2:10 pm

Period 6: 2:20 pm - 3:05 pm

See below for our Secondary Parent VSE Handbook

Virtual School Parent Guidebook KOREAN.pdf