Dimension 4.1: Teacher Reflections on Pedagogy

Dimension 4.1

  • "Behaves in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators."

Teacher Reflections: Possible considerations for Dimension 4.1

    • Is the educator writing about lesson-planning processes - with emphasis on the addressing areas of concern indicated by data, the source of ideas, advice sought/received in lesson planning, pro/cons for utilized procedures, and ways to improve?
    • Is the educator writing about lesson-delivery process - with emphasis on the addressing areas of concern indicated by data, the source of ideas, advice sought/received in lesson planning, pro/cons for utilized procedures, and ways to improve?
    • Is the educator actively seeking feedback publicly from other educators on social media?
      • Is the teacher participating in regular Twitter chats? If so, to which hashtag(s) does the teacher regularly post?
    • Does the teacher reflect on personal understanding of ethics and standards without compromising student privacy?