Dimension 2.2: Teacher Reflections on Pedagogy

Dimension 2.2

"The Teacher:

      • Displays extensive content knowledge of all the subjects she or he teaches and closely related subjects."

Teacher Reflections: Possible considerations for Dimension 2.2

    • Is the educator writing about lesson-planning processes - with emphasis on addressing areas of concern indicated by data, the source of ideas, advice sought/received in lesson planning, pro/cons for utilized procedures, and ways to improve?
    • Is the educator writing about lesson-delivery process - with emphasis on the addressing areas of concern indicated by data, the source of ideas, advice sought/received in lesson planning, pro/cons for utilized procedures, and ways to improve?
      • Is the teacher participating in regular Twitter chats? If so, to which hashtag(s) does the teacher regularly post?
      • Is the educator disseminating blogs to the worldwide educator community on social media?
    • Is the teacher PLCing and providing evidence of discussions from PLCs with campus/district/and educational community-wide PLCs or PLNs?
    • Is the teacher directly referencing content area knowledge and it's delivery to students?
    • Is the teacher reflecting on ways to make content-specific knowledge relevant to students/student life?
    • Is the teacher actively seeking feedback and is the feedback reflected upon and addressed in future iterations of the lesson?