Dimension 2.5 Lesson Back Channel Discussion Board

Dimension 2.5

"The Teacher:

  • Systematically gathers input from students in order to monitor and adjust instruction, activities, or pacing to respond to differences in student needs.
  • Uses discreet and explicit checks for understanding through questioning and academic feedback."

Lesson Back Channel Discussion Boards: Possible considerations for Dimension 2.5

    • Does the teacher offer a discussion board or platform for students ask and answer each other's questions online?
    • Does the teacher show evidence of adjusting instruction based on student inquiry and feedback in online forums?
    • Are students self-assessing their own learning and asking for help in areas they believe they are deficient?
    • Are the students prompted to consider different avenues and sources for information?
    • Are links from an updated classroom FAQ webpage posted where students can find answers and helpful resources?
    • Are fellow students encouraged to post helpful responses and resources that can be utilized for class improvement?
    • Does the teacher monitor the discussion to ensure all students who have asked for help have received the proper guidance?