Dimension 2.4 Blogs and Discussion Boards

Dimension 2.4

"The Teacher:

    • Consistently monitors the quality of student participation and performance."
    • Uses multiple strategies to teach and assess students."

Blogs and Discussion Boards: Possible considerations for Dimension 2.4

    • Are students accessing prior knowledge?
    • Are students asked to explain - moving beyond the obvious answer and into responses formulated through multi-step reasoning?
    • Are students asked to construct responses that demonstrate how the newly-acquired knowledge can be applied outside the classroom?
    • Are students required to develop better processes or procedures?
    • Are students asked to give valuable feedback - something beyond, "I agree" or "Good point". Have they listed the pros and/or cons of an idea?
    • Do the number of posts and responses demonstrate a robust discourse?
    • Does the teacher post and/or reply using a variety of online tools to enhance instruction? (Videos, drawings/diagrams, audio, etc.)
    • Does the teacher monitor the discussion to ensure all students who have asked for help have received the proper guidance?