The best way to get the word out about your own project is to write and speak about it as much as possible. You're in the media, now spread the word. And be sure to have everyone on your team do the same thing. Here are just a few places where we have let people know about BINJ:

Panel, report decry push for privatization in Massachusetts” (Bay State Banner)

DigBoston Looks at Liquor License Hurdles” (BNN)

Comedy Fundraiser in Saugus to help addicts” (Boston Globe)

Boston journalism nonprofit hopes Medium will be a moneymaker” (Boston Globe)

Pittsfield Police Public Records Lost” (Boston Magazine)

Nonprofit Roundup (Jamaica Plain News)

‘Oxy Moron’ Then and Now” (NECN)

Regular Mentions in the daily Massachusetts Playbook (Politico)

How memberships can work for nonprofit journalism” (

Your license plate: Window to your life” (CSO Online)

A Boston Journalism Nonprofit Is Among The First Publishers To Sell Subscriptions on Medium” (Nieman Journalism Lab, Editor & Publisher, American Press Institute)

Mention in philanthropy roundup (Philanthropy Journal News)

BINJ seeks to finance independent, investigative reporting” (It’s All Journalism)

Beacon finds partnerships and matching donations work better than subscriptions and paywalls (Nieman Lab)

Investigative local reporting has a future—but it won’t look like the past (CJR)

Harvard Takes First Official Step on Allston Expansion (Boston Magazine)

Beacon finds partnerships and matching donations work better than subscriptions and paywalls (Nieman Lab)

Investigative local reporting has a future—but it won’t look like the past (CJR)

Harvard Takes First Official Step on Allston Expansion (Boston Magazine)

And many more including in these publications: