Research Faculty & Staff

Dr. Molly Deak,  Staff Scientist

As a staff scientist, Dr. Molly Deak's primary role is to work with graduate students, post doctoral fellows, and faculty to develop new molecular protocols to advance their research.  With a PhD in Molecular Biology, Dr. Deak shares a wide range of skills and her vast knowledge in molecular neuroscience to support the training environment, as well as data collection activities to support development of faculty and trainee grants. In addition to offering friendly guidance on immunoflourescence protocols, microscopy, and image analysis, Dr. Deak also oversees much of the shared equipment and other resources available in our state-of-the-art facility.

Dr. Elena Varlinskaya, Research Professor

Dr. Varlinskaya is a Research Professor who collaborates extensively with a multitude of investigators in the BNS area.  With more than two decades of research experience in alcohol and behavioral development, she is a critical contributor to many of the ongoing research projects and works actively with faculty to develop graduate student theses and dissertations, providing invaluable feedback to shape their training and professional development as well.  Dr. Varlinskaya is a key scientist in the DEARC (an alcohol research center situated at Binghamton University) as well as the NADIA consortium (a national network of scientists focused on the neurobiology of adolescent drinking).

Research Scientists and Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Kelcie Schatz

Mentor:  Dr. Marvin Diaz


Dr. Jared Bagley

Mentor:  Dr. David Jentsch 


Dr. Stephen Day

Mentors:  Dr.  Lisa Savage


Dr. Polliana Toledo-Nunes

Mentor:  Dr. Lisa Savage


Dr. Anny Gano

Mentor:  Dr. Terrence Deak


Dr. Andrew Vore

Mentor:  Dr. Terrence Deak


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