Support the SNHS

We are a student run organization, and our members are looking to both expand our environmentally conscious attitude, as well as support S.T.E.M. careers and opportunities for students of TPHS.

If you're looking to get involved, we would love to have your input on our recycling survey located in the links below. If you're an overachiever, much like our members, and want to do more, follow our twitter page (also located below) and don't forget to like and retweet our posts.

SNHS is an educational endeavor, as such we feel the need to support our members in their pursuit of a continuing education. Our fundraiser this year will go to support a scholarship for selected members interested in pursuing a continuing education in a scientific career. We greatly appreciate each and every donation, and look forwards to helping advance our members futures'.

For those of you who like what we do here at the SNHS, we would greatly appreciate you showing your support through participating in our fundraisers and donating to our cause. Please contact our Treasurer for further information about ongoing fundraisers.

If you have any ideas for future projects or areas that the SNHS can help out in the community, please contact us. We love to hear from other organizations and individuals.

For any student who attends another school and would like to start their own chapter of SNHS, learn more at the Science National Honors Society website or by contacting our board members.

Sample Application: