Wk9- 9/19

Responsibility: Doing our part for the groups that make us whole

"It is easy to dodge our responsibiities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibiities." -Sir Josiah Stamp 

Whoohooo! We made it to the last week of the quarter! Can you believe how fast it went? Your students have done a great job this year so far, and I'm so proud of their growth and learning so far! I can't wait to see how much they continue to grow. This next quarter will be very busy with all the holidays coming up, and I'm excited for all the fun things here at school!

On September 30, we have a fun spirit day! Students may wear their craziest hat and socks to school! I can't wait to see them all!

What We're Learning:

Spelling/Phonograms: breeze-tailor (see lists below)

Grammar/Composition: prepositions, story sequencing

Math: L27-30

Reading: text structures; mental actions, Charlotte's Web

Science: forces

Social Studies: geography

Week 09 phono/spelling
page 6.pdf

Upcoming Events:

Sept. 30: HALF DAY; End of Q1

Oct. 3-14: FALL BREAK; no school

Oct. 21: Grandparents Luncheon

Oct. 25: Boo Bash at Peter Piper Pizza

Oct. 28: Fall party @ 2:00 PM

Current Teacher Read Aloud: The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate