Wk4- 8/15

Heroism: Taking noble action for a good cause

"A hero is one who voluntarily walks into the unknown." -Tom Hanks

Welcome to Week 4! It was so great to see you at Curriculum Night last week! Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming soon, so be on the look out for sign ups for that. We also have our Ice Cream Social coming up next week! Hope to see you there!

Information for the poetry recitation and book reports are going home early this week. Please be on the look out for those packets in your student's purple folder!  I have also added copies of these forms in the tab called "reading resources" for you!

I've attached the math study guide. We do these in class and go over them every day to prepare for the test on Friday. This is just an extra copy if you want to review at home! You'll see that I've also put copies of what the blue spelling notebook should be looking like each day. We will be adding some words each day. I've checked the notebooks in class, but students are responsible for any mistakes I see to correct on their own. You can use these pages to check if they are correct. For the tests, they do not need to add the rules, underlines, numbers, etc.  

What We're Learning:

Spelling/Phonograms: See attached lists below (words fact-captain)

Grammar/Composition: compound sentences; types of sentences; retelling narratives with sequenced events

Math: lessons 9-11; adding with regrouping, even/odd numbers, addition word problems with missing information 

Reading: text structures; The Ninth Nugget

Science: data and measurement

Social Studies: structure of American government

spell book p 2.pdf
spell p3.pdf
WPR/Spelling List Week #4
math sg 1b.pdf

Upcoming Events:

Aug. 22: Ice Cream Social

Aug. 24: Picture Day

Aug. 26: Half Day

Aug. 31: Poetry Recitation Competition

Current Teacher Read Aloud: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo