Bethel HS Science Department
Welcome to the Bethel High School Science department website. This site provides course-specific information related to each sub-department of biology, chemistry, physics, and science electives. Student progress and assessment results are found at the Power Teacher parent portal.
The Bethel High Science Department strives for high standards in conjunction with the school's mission statement to develop students that can collaborate, create and innovate, and think critically.
In addition to mastering the necessary science concepts aligned to state standards and meeting NGSS requirements, BHS students are expected to:
Use listening and speaking skills to communicate effectively.
Think critically using problem-solving skills in a variety of situations to meet life's challenges.
Read effectively for a variety of purposes using diverse media.
Employ technology effectively and responsibly to facilitate learning, research, and communication.
Write effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences.
The Science department offers many options for coursework that fits the needs of all students and accommodates all levels of learners. These various programs of study prepare students not only for college science, but also for the workplace and many of life's challenges.
The BHS Science Department strives for high standards in conjunction with the school's mission to develop lifelong learners able to pursue their aspirations in a world shaped by scientific innovation. These standards will be met through NGSS and the Science and Engineering Practices.