Integrated Preschool Program (Ages 3-5)
The Integrated Preschool Program, known as PALS (Preschool for All Learning Styles), provides education for both special needs and typically developing children in an engaging, hands-on learning environment. Within this program, children explore various facets of their world through activities such as movement, art, science, literacy, math, music, cooking, dramatic play, and sensory experiences linked to different themes. They engage in whole group activities, participate in small-group learning with teachers, and develop independence by adhering to class routines and engaging with peers during center time. These learning activities align with the New Jersey Department of Education’s Preschool and Teaching Learning Expectations and are tailored to meet the unique needs and capabilities of each child. Research has demonstrated the benefits for all students involved in such a program.
The Integrated Preschool Program is conducted at Mount Prospect School four days a week for 2 hours and 45 minutes per session (AM/PM sessions). There are no classes scheduled on Fridays. Classes are led by a dual-certified teacher in Special Education and P-3 General Education, supported by a Speech Language Specialist to provide additional speech and language support.
Class sizes typically range from 12 to 15 students. Special needs students are identified by the Preschool Child Study Team and qualify for special education and related services under the New Jersey Administrative Code. Typically developing students (tuition-based students) are enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis during registration periods. Once admitted, students can continue in the program until they reach kindergarten age.
Comprehensive Behavior Analytic Preschool Program (Ages 3-5)
The Preschool COMPREHENSIVE BEHAVIOR ANALYTIC PROGRAM (CBAP) is founded on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). All teaching techniques, program protocols, and data collection systems within this program are rooted in scientific principles, drawing on peer-reviewed research to guide their practices.
Applied Behavior Analysis uses positive reinforcement strategies. It can help children who are having difficulty learning or acquiring new skills. It can also address problem behaviors that interfere with functioning through a process called “functional behavioral assessment.” Strategies used under this methodology include building rapport with the child, reinforcement, breaking tasks down into smaller parts, individualized and targeted instruction, implementation of specific prompt, and prompt fading strategies in order to help the child to learn new skills.
Numerous teaching techniques fall under the ABA umbrella, some of which are utilized in the Bernards Township classroom. These encompass incidental teaching, video modeling, audio modeling, schedule following, scripting, discrete trial instruction, and small group instruction. These techniques share several common elements.
All the aforementioned teaching techniques entail objectively defined target behaviors, circumstances in which these behaviors occur, individualized teaching procedures, probes to ensure generalization of learning, and strategies for maintaining acquired skills. We work closely with our families to ensure generalization of the daily life skills to the home environment. We individualize our programs to meet the diverse needs of our learners.
For more information on the preschool programs offered, please contact Dr. Allyson Read at 908-204-2565 Ext. 124