The LEARNING OR LANGUAGE DISABILITIES (LLD) program uses methods and skills to insure that students develop to their maximum potential. Our students tend to be inconsistent in their levels of functioning: socially, emotionally and academically. Instructional programs should begin at an appropriate level for each student so that progress can occur at the student’s own rate. Instructional programs are built individually to insure success and confidence which, when appropriate for the student, leads to increased activity in the general education classroom.  Depending on their strengths and weaknesses, academic and socially, students mainstream into the general education programs. Those students who can experience success with portions of the academic day may mainstream for those subjects; others may be in the general education class for social modeling and cooperative learning activities. All of this is done with careful planning between the special education and general education teachers as specified in each student’s IEP. Along with providing academic support to allow students access to the district curriculum, we also provide multi-sensory approaches in language arts.